Allied Churches of Alamance County   

This is a local community outreach to prevent and end homelessness and food insecurity. They provide overnight shelter for single guests and have a more private space for families. They operate the Community Kitchen (Joe’s Diner) providing a weekday lunch and dinner for the community and breakfast for their residents. ACAC has an Empowerment center open M-F where folks can get assistance applying for jobs, writing resumes, and getting referrals for housing, food or health needs collaborating with partner organizations

Beacon House USA (Patrick & Heather Cline)

PC & Heather Cline, the missionaries from this congregation who have served for over 25 years in Ghana West Africa working in many ways and now help oversee Beacon House since it began in 2006. They assist orphaned and vulnerable children with educational opportunities and medical assistance. They also work with single mothers trying to support their families through scholarships and job training.

PC & Heather have been asked to help build a school. They previously helped launch Accra International School and expanded the ministry of Ghana Christian University. Please keep this opportunity in your prayers.

David & Ursula Akrurugu are faithful Christians who originally came from the Upper East Region of Ghana, attended Ghana Christian University, and are reaching many at the church/school in Vea.

Rony & Lauren Bernard (serving in Haiti)

Rony returned to his hometown of Pignon to build a school with the help of a faith based nonprofit and the donations of Christians. On 09/18/23 they began teaching 1st and 2nd grade students at Pignon Christian Academy to help educate students who would not have the opportunity otherwise in an accredited school for the next generation of leaders for Christ. You can sponsor a student for approximately $40/month. In addition, they began providing a nutritious hot lunch in October to allow them to learn better and stay focused in a country where most families only average one meal a day. There are still many needs like a well $15,000; solar panel for electricity $20,000, future classrooms $12,000 if you will please pray about how the Lord can use us to meet needs.

Central India Christian Mission:  Ajai and Indu Lall

India has almost one sixth of the world’s population with almost 1.3 billion people made up of over 2533 separate people groups. Christians are only 2.3% of the population and persecution is common. Ajai Lall and his wife, Indu, began Central India Christian Mission in December 1982. (Indu attended Mid Atlantic Christian University.)  The primary area of focus for CICM is evangelism, church planting, leadership training and benevolence. CICM has planted over 1600 churches in Central and Northern India and the countries of Nepal, Bangladesh, and Bhutan where over 360,000 people gather to worship. They operate three leadership training academies where students sign up for 1- or 2-year programs and serve as a gateway to four nearby countries. CICM has produced over two hundred episodes by Hindi church online ministry to over thirteen million regular viewers from 124 countries.  CICM is about transforming underserved communities and they operate six children’s homes for vulnerable and at-risk children. Many of them have grown up to serve the Lord in ministry and their community. In addition, the Mission Hospital can treat up to 100,000 patients. They have one of the only cardiac cath. labs in an area that has over eighteen million people. They also partner with IDES to provide other humanitarian aid and community development like food for widows and blankets. Please pray for them as many face persecution for their faith.

Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF) @ Appalachian State

CCF ASU has been working with college students for 32 years this year. Led by John Troutman (an alumni from CCF) his wife, Amber Troutman, and Holly Hilliker, they focus on creating students who Know God, Follow God, Love Others and will transform communities. They meet for worship on Wednesday nights called their Immersion service and have individual studies led by student leaders.

Campus Christian Fellowship (similar ministry to ASU but not affiliated) is a ministry to college students on the campuses of UNC-Chapel Hill, UNC Wilmington, NC State and East Carolina University. Each school has its own campus minister also has its own website found below. Phil & Sherry Laughlin started the UNC chapter almost 48 years ago which has expanded to five campuses now. Their contact info is below:

International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES)

I.D.E.S. mission is to meet the physical and spiritual needs of suffering people throughout the world in the name of Jesus Christ by partnering with Christian Churches / Churches of Christ and their missionaries. These projects fall into one of five focus areas for ministry: 1) Evangelism, 2) Disaster Assistance, 3) Hunger Relief, 4) Community Development and 5) Medical Care

Their website has a complete list of projects with pictures to let you know how your giving has impacted others. Each month with our gift receipt they send a prayer calendar showing projects that they sponsored.

Kingdom Air (Ryan & Mary Hokuf)

Ryan and Mary served at BCC alongside the Woockman family while getting their training through MMS and MAG, who focus on operating and planes to reach people groups for Jesus in in accessible regions. In April 2023 they began serving with Kingdom Air in Alaska. Ryan has helped train sixteen future missionary pilots. He and Mary have also served with missionaries working in the interior villages in Alaska, served at a Bible camp held for kids living in villages north of the arctic circle, and participated in a follow-up discipleship trip in one of these villages. He also stays busy repairing and maintaining the aircraft to allow for ministry and training as Mary homeschools their family.

Missionary Air Group (MAG) Keith & Jenny Woockman family

Keith and Jenny from BCC serve in Burlington where MAG is headquartered at Burlington Alamance Regional Airport. MAG’s slogan is “Delivering Help and Hope.”  They do that by providing air transport for the sick, medical workers, humanitarian relief, and ministry support to remote regions for missionaries and the areas they serve. Pilots work on their own planes and MAG helps maintain aircraft for missionaries and ministries. They also have a Hospital in Rus Rus Honduras, near the border of Nicaragua, which provides health care to an estimated 25,000 Miskito Indians in one of the world’s poorest and lowest ranking health care systems in Central America.

Mid-Atlantic Christian University (MACU)

MACU began in 1948 as a place to train preachers in eastern NC and since then has alumni in forty-eight states, the District of Columbia, one territory, and twenty-five countries. This fall they had 151 full time students and have reopened the new construction of Heritage Hall. Students take on the exciting work of preaching, teaching, counseling, leading youth, directing non-profits, and serving on the mission fields. It has impacted us in an incredibly positive way as two of our former ministers graduated attended there. Indu Lall with CICM also attended there. They have two foreign “Sister Schools;” one in India and one in Thailand. Each student majors in Biblical studies but can choose any of nineteen different areas for a double major. Seventy-eight percent of their male students who graduated in the last 3 years participates in full time ministry. This University makes training to serve Christ in any vocation their priority.

Park Springs Christian Center

This is our Christian Church/Church of Christ camp for young people in Providence, NC near Yanceyville celebrating over 40 years.  They continue to make improvements in their facilities and processes to help make camp a life-changing experience year-round. Their schedule is on their website, and they have a new website that allows you to fill out all your forms online. BCC has offered scholarships for anyone wanting to go to camp so pray about who you can invite to go this year.

Scarlet Hope

Scarlet Hope was founded in 2007 by Rachelle Starr, daughter of John and Trish Nappo, in Louisville, KY to share Jesus with women in the adult entertainment industry. Rachelle and some friends began by providing a weekly home cooked meal to the women working in a local strip club which expanded to ten clubs. In 2009 it became a 501C nonprofit group and has grown to add training to share their model and expand to Cincinnati, OH; Reno, NV; Nashville, TN; Miami, FL; Denver, CO; Orlando, FL; Atlanta, GA, and Los Angeles, CA. Their 2023 Impact reported sixty-two women changing their lives with ten decisions, 32 women finding other work and 20 other women leaving the adult industry for other reasons.  They served 9327 meals, gave gifts, sent 6009 texts, provided food and clothing for a total of 22,473 encounters to share the gospel.

Waypoint Church Partners

Waypoint has helped plant more than 154 churches and supports over 505 churches from SC to Maryland. This church began with the help of PEF (Piedmont Evangelizing Fellowship), which helped provide BCC with a loan for our building in the 70’s. PEF later became Envision which merged with VEF to form Waypoint.   In 2022 Waypoint churches had 475 baptisms. Waypoint provides support for existing churches to make the most of their facilities for guests, greeting, leadership development and connecting to other churches. Waypoint will be hosting a preaching seminar @ BCC for area ministers with Dave Stone (formerly with SE Christian Church in Louisville, KY) on 3/19/24. They also have a podcast covering relevant topics for churches that has over five thousand downloads.

Allied Churches of Alamance County
Website: www.alliedchurches.org

Beacon House USA-PC & Heather Cline
Website: beaconhouseghana.blogspot.com

www.beaconhouseghana.org www.clinefamily.us

Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF) @ Appalachian State
Website: www.asuccf.com

Campus Christian Fellowship (CCF)
Website: www.campuschristianfellowship.org

Central India Christian Mission
Website: www.indiamission.org

International Disaster Emergency Services (IDES)
Website: www.ides.org

Mid-Atlantic Christian University (MACU)
Website: www.macuniversity.edu

Park Springs Christian Center
Website: www.parksprings.org

Waypoint (New Church Planters)